Monday, January 4, 2016

We never thought we'd be here but I guess you never do.
My mom Henrietta was feeling tired and a bit nauseous the past few months. Then about 3 weeks ago she went for her 6 month oncologist check up and her cancer markers were really high, she got a scan and found cancer.. A lot of cancer. Diffused in the liver, some lymph nodes in her chest, small amounts in the bones, maybe some in the lung.

We mobilized, talked to a few doctors, Uzzi Reiss remains her trusted advisor, Aron Bick is one oncologist, Bijan Pourat is a nutritionist and is helping to balance and strengthen her immune system.. Giving her high vitamin c drips, Dr. James Waisman consulted and prescribed 2 hormone blockers, and dr. Mark Rosenberg is another alternative oncologist who will likely be our follow up guy, we had a Skype consult with him and he recommended capsol-t and the same cannabis oil she is already on, he also recommended the hormone blockers.. Between all of them and all of us we came up with this plan.. She is taking GcMAF which helps your immune system attack cancer cells..
Then we started her on a cannabis oil protocol and this has had great results.. But she is pretty stoned all the time and that's one of the reasons she doesn't answer the phone or return emails..

Today is Monday January 3rd
and we are in Indiana doing a treatment called capsol-t with dr. Claudia Hanau.
She will be on an iv 24hrs a day for 8-10 days. At the end she should be much better. In fact there should be no more active cancer at all.. It can take some time for all the tumours to shrink and for her immune system to spring back and her body to get back to normal..there is a pill she will take after this iv part. It works by blocking a protein on the cancer cell so it explodes, and it doesn't have any effect on healthy cells.. The side effects might be sleeping a lot and maybe nausea but that is pretty rare, she will be living at this clinic, My sister Leilani and I are here with her.
We live in the clinic which is kind of like if you mixed a dr.'s clinic and a bed and breakfast.. First thing they did was draw blood to do a lot of tests and then hooked her to the iv with the capsol -t and she fell asleep. Waiting now for all the blood work to come back and have a full consultation with dr. Hanau.

My mom remains cheerful and optimistic.. She says things like "why shouldn't I be one of those people who make it?" And whistles happy tunes when no one is around.
But she also says "it's not up to you when your number is up"
And is very surrendered to how this plays out.. It is ultimately not in her hands. The 1st doctor recommended chemo but she will not take it. She has seen too many people go down that road and simply knows it's not for her. This outside the box, left of center exciting stuff is.
We will be here for 10 days hanging out and hoping for the best.
Stay tuned.
Love roz

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:West Lafayette Indiana

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